Transforming the direction of drug policy across the U.S. and world.

Building Alternatives to Criminalization
A man assembles harm reduction kits. A banner on the wall reads "decriminalize already".

Building Alternatives to Criminalization

Saving Lives with Harm Reduction & Overdose Prevention
People assembling packets of supplies for safer drug use.

Saving Lives with Harm Reduction & Overdose Prevention

Legalizing Marijuana The Right Way
Activists protest for NY marijuana legalization with DPA's marijuana-justice focused campaign.

Legalizing Marijuana The Right Way

Ending Drug War Civil Punishment
People working in a factory.

Ending Drug War Civil Punishment

Building Bridges Across Movements
Photo of someone speaking at DPA's biannual International Drug Policy Reform Conference.

Building Bridges Across Movements

Changing Hearts & Minds with Public Education
DPA staff member speaks at a summit about novel psychoactive substances.

Changing Hearts & Minds with Public Education

A young woman holds a sign that says "End the Drug War."

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