No one should be criminalized for marijuana use or supply. As reform efforts expand across the United States, it is important that we legalize and regulate marijuana right. The Drug Policy Alliance is leading the fight to ensure marijuana reform centers health, justice, equity, and reinvestment.
It undoes the harms of marijuana prohibition. It ends criminal penalties. It provides legal relief for past charges. It makes it legal for adults to get marijuana. It ensures that people criminalized for selling marijuana can participate in the legal industry. It reinvests marijuana tax revenue back into communities. It’s education, product standards, and equitable health outcomes.
Despite marijuana being legal in many states, it is still one of the most commonly arrested offenses. In 2021, over 170,000 people were arrested for marijuana possession.
Source: U.S. News & World ReportBlack Americans are arrested 3.5 times more than white people for possessing marijuana despite similar rates of use. In 2021, over 80% of people sentenced for federal marijuana charges were Black and Latinx.
Source: American Civil Liberties Union, U. S. Sentencing CommissionEighty-eight percent of Americans support legalizing marijuana for medical or adult use. Americans also support equitable policy measures for marijuana legalization laws.
Source: Pew Research, Data For Progress