Core Questionnaire for Supervised Consumption Services, Overdose Prevention Centers Evaluation

February 29, 2020

The purpose of this questionnaire is to have a uniform set of evaluation questions that any place in the United States that implements supervised consumption services (SCS) can use for evaluation. These services are also commonly known as overdose prevention centers. While many evaluations may include locally derived questions, it is our hope that all will include these questions, to facilitate cross-site analyses. This questionnaire should be used as part of community-based research with people who use drugs, some who use SCS and some who do not use SCS. This is not designed as a survey for people at SCS (e.g., intake survey at SCS). The goal was a questionnaire that would take about 10 minutes to administer in a face-to-face interview.

The questionnaire was developed by a group of 28 people from 15 different United States cities/towns and one Canadian during a two-day workshop, led by researchers affiliated with RTI International and the University of California, San Diego and coordinated and funded by the Drug Policy Alliance. The participants included people who use drugs, people who work in drug users unions, people who provide services to people who use drugs, people who provide medical care to people who use drugs, people who work on drug policy, people who conduct research on drug use, people who work for health departments that provide and evaluate services for people who use drugs, and people who work for foundations that fund drug use projects and research. The group developed over 1,000 possible evaluation areas which were subsequently narrowed down through an iterative voting process. Final questions were edited and reviewed by all members of the group.

View the questionnaire.
A young woman holds a sign that says "End the Drug War."

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