Brian Pacheco

Managing Director of Communications
A photo of Brian Pacheco.

Brian Pacheco is the managing director of communications and marketing at the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA). He oversees DPA’s communication’s department and strategy, including branding, digital communications and advocacy, media relations, and content creation.

Brian has more than 17 years of experience in leading communications for nonprofits. He led the communications strategy for numerous policy and advocacy victories at the local, state, and federal levels.  He’s  led various rebrand efforts including for DPA and NYLAG (New York Legal Assistance Group). He developed a campaign that educates judges and lawyers on how trauma affects domestic violence survivors. He created a viral video with 110 million views for actor Terry Crews and Safe Horizon.

Brian is also a skilled media strategist. He has secured coverage in outlets like ABC News, CNN, Fox News, New York Times, The Today Show, and The View, as well as various podcasts and digital shows.

Brian is a POSSE Scholar and studied at Middlebury College.

A young woman holds a sign that says "End the Drug War."

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