Vigil to Honor Missing Women and Women Found on the West Mesa

Press Release June 3, 2009
Media Contact

Julie Roberts at 505-983-3277

Drug Policy Alliance New Mexico will join Young Women United for a community vigil at Robinson Park (8th and Central) tonight at 7 p.m. The monthly vigils honor women found on the West Mesa and those still missing in Albuquerque.

Young Women United began organizing the vigils in honor of Amber Archibeque, a young woman who tragically died of a drug-related overdose just hours following her release from jail last December. Drug Policy Alliance and Young Women United worked with Representative Sandra Jeff (D-Crownpoint) to pass House Memorial 38 during the 2009 legislative session that encourages public health offices and jails to reform their release policies and promote access to substance abuse treatment services.

The vigil follows yesterday’s comments by Lt. Gov. Diane Denish condemning the jail’s policy of dropping people off in the middle of the night in downtown Albuquerque. Julie Roberts of Drug Policy Alliance New Mexico will discuss the memorial and the need to improve our jail’s release policies as well as access to substance abuse treatment and overdose prevention services.

Speakers featured at the vigil will address the importance of increased access to services to protect women and our communities.

What: Community Vigil for West Mesa Women

When: Thursday, June 4, at 7 p.m. MDT


A young woman holds a sign that says "End the Drug War."

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