<p>Contact: Tony Newman 646-335-5384 or gabriel sayegh 646-335-2264</p>
Albany – Today, patients, families, caregivers and healthcare providers will gather in Albany to press the State Senate to pass the Compassionate Care Act — A.6357-A (Gottfried) / S.4406-A (Savino) . The patients are living with cancer, severe seizure disorders, and other serious, debilitating medical conditions, and the families include parents of children who suffer from severe forms of epilepsy, such as Dravet’s syndrome.
Travelling from around the State, they will call on the Senate to pass and the Governor to support the Compassionate Care Act – comprehensive legislation that would allow seriously ill New Yorkers access to medical marijuana under the supervision of their healthcare provider. The group includes members of the Decker family, who were forced to leave their Long Island home move to Colorado so their 8 month old daughter, Mabel, who has a serious epileptic seizure disorder, could participate in a workable medical marijuana system.
What: Patient Lobby Day with patients, healthcare providers, and parents
When: Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Location: Senate Chambers Capitol Building Albany, NY
Patients and family members will be available throughout the day for interviews.
Eighty-two percent of New Yorkers support medical marijuana, and twenty states and the District Columbia have passed laws creating legal access to medical marijuana for seriously ill patients.