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Tony Newman 646-335-5384 gabriel sayegh 646-335-2264</div>
Albany – Today, The New York State Assembly will vote on the Compassionate Care Act — A.6357-B (Gottfried), New York’s comprehensive medical marijuana bill. The bill will help provide relief to thousands of New Yorker’s who are currently suffering with debilitating medical conditions such as, cancer, multiple sclerosis, severe seizure disorders, and other serious conditions. Traveling from New York City, Westchester, and Central New York, patients will gather in Albany for an advocacy day and to hear the Assembly debate and vote on the bill. The bill would create one of the nation’s most tightly regulated medical marijuana programs and allow patients with seriously and debilitating conditions to access marijuana under the supervision of their healthcare provider.
What: Compassionate Care NY Advocacy Day
When: Tuesday, March 27th – Assembly Session at 2 PM – Patients and Caregivers Available for Comment Immediately Following the Vote
Location: New York State Capitol, Outside Assembly Chamber, Albany, NY
Who (patient and providers, including):
Momentum for the Compassionate Care Act continues to build. A poll from Quinnipiac University released last week found that a super majority (83%) of New York voters support medical marijuana. The Assembly has passed the bill by wide margins four times and included the Compassionate Care Act in their budget bill earlier this session. Last week, the Senate Health Committee voted in favor of the senate version of the bill (S.4406-B/ Savino) and advanced it to the Finance Committee. The bill has strong bipartisan support in the Senate: Republicans Senator John Bonacic (R-Middletown), Senator George Maziarz (R – Newfane), Senator Mark Grisanti (R, IP – Buffalo), Senator Tim O’Mara (R, C – Big Flats, Elmira) and bill co-sponsor, Senator Joe Robach (R, C, IP – Rochester) have all expressed their support.
Patients and caregivers will be in Albany every week between now and the end of session to demand legislators take up the issue.
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