More Bad Faith, Hollow Rhetoric from Albany Republicans

Press Release August 12, 2004
Media Contact

Tony Newman at (646) 335-5384 or Michael Blain at (646) 335-2241

As recently as this morning, representatives of Senate Majority leader Joe Bruno and Governor George Pataki were meeting to hammer out a deal that would accomplish modest Rockefeller reform. Despite months of promises to deliver reform of these notorious drug laws, today, Bruno walked away from the negotiations, effectively shutting them down.

Insiders report that this week’s meetings represented the closest Albany had ever gotten to reforming these unpopular laws. Members of the Real Reform 2004 coalition spoke out against the fact that Bruno shut down this unprecedented opportunity.

“People are languishing in prison because Bruno and Pataki won’t walk their talk,” says Michael Blain, of the Drug Policy Alliance. “They’ve made countless promises to reform these inhumane laws, but their lip service does nothing for the families whose lives have been destroyed.”

Advocates promised to keep the heat on Pataki and Bruno. “We will continue to fight these unjust laws until we achieve real Rockefeller reform,” added Blain. “If the Republican Senate is unwilling or unable to keep its promises, it may be time to elect politicians who aren’t so dysfunctional. There will be consequences.”

Real Reform 2004 defines Real Reform as:

A young woman holds a sign that says "End the Drug War."

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