Medical Marijuana Patients, Advocates, and National HIV/AIDS Organizations Plea for Compassion from Governor Bill Richardson

Press Release January 10, 2006
Media Contact

Reena Szczepanski at (505) 699-0798

Patients and advocates from around New Mexico met with Governor Bill Richardson today, asking the Governor to issue an executive message that will allow legal access to medical marijuana to be considered during the legislative session. The session begins on Tuesday.

During the 2005 session, similar legislation enjoyed overwhelming, bipartisan support from the legislature, but failed to receive a House floor vote that would have finalized its passage. Governor Richardson recognized the need for such legislation several times during the session, including this statement, “For people who are living in tremendous pain as a result of life threatening diseases, this is a treatment that they should be allowed to have.” The Interim Legislative Courts, Corrections, and Justice Committee also endorsed the bill in November and have included the bill in their request to the Governor.

“The Governor was very sympathetic to the need to protect sick and dying people who benefit from this medicine. We know he has many important priorities for the upcoming session that will improve the health and safety of New Mexicans, and we just hope that this will be one of them,” said Reena Szczepanski, Director of the Drug Policy Alliance New Mexico (DPA-NM).

“It is critical that our government sends the message to young and old, ill and healthy, that as a society our priority is to be compassionate to our most vulnerable,” said Erin Armstrong, a patient advocate and Policy Assistant for DPA-NM.

Essie Debonet, who suffers from chronic nausea due to AIDS medications, said, “I can’t really wait another year to have legal access to medical marijuana. I don’t know how much longer I can deal with the side effects before I give up. I don’t know if I’ll be alive in another year. This is truly a life or death issue for me. My life or my death.”

Local and national HIV/AIDS organizations have signed on to a letter asking for Governor Richardson’s support. The letter states in part, “We also know that you have achieved significant gains for people living with HIV/AIDS in New Mexico, and we applaud those achievements – Please do not stop being an advocate for the rights of patients, particularly those living with HIV/AIDS.”

January 10, 2006

Governor Bill Richardson
Office of the Governor
490 Old Santa Fe Trail
Room 400
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Fax (505) 476-2249

Dear Governor Bill Richardson,

We, the undersigned, are writing to reconfirm your commitment to allow legal access to medical marijuana to be considered during the 2006 legislative session in New Mexico. As national organizations that advocate for the rights of people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS, we feel strongly that the science and compassion behind medical marijuana should be recognized by elected officials of your caliber.

We were impressed by the leadership that you demonstrated last year when you issued the following statement, “For people who are living in a tremendous amount of pain as a result of life-threatening diseases, this is a treatment that they should be allowed to have.” We also know that you have achieved significant gains for people living with HIV/AIDS in New Mexico, and we applaud those achievements.

However, people living with HIV/AIDS may experience significant nausea, weight loss, and pain, and they should not also suffer from the effects of archaic policy when trying to gain relief. Please do not stop being an advocate for the rights of patients, particularly those living with HIV/AIDS. Thank you in advance for upholding your public commitment to allow this legislation to be discussed this January.


AIDS Foundation of Chicago
Community HIV/AIDS Mobilization Project (CHAMP)
HIV/AIDS Patients Union
Housing Works
National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA-US)
New Mexico POZ Coalition
Treatment Action Group

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