Reena Szczepanski at 505-669-0798 or Tommy McDonald at 505-983-3277
Santa Fe – The Senate Public Affairs Committee unanimously passed the Lynn and Erin Compassionate use Act (SB 238) this afternoon. The bill would allow qualified patients suffering from certain illnesses, such as cancer, HIV/AIDS and epilepsy, to use medical cannabis for relief of their symptoms.
“We should all be proud of this victory. We are lucky to live in a state where our legislators have the courage and integrity needed to protect our most vulnerable populations,” said Erin Armstrong, who suffers from advanced thyroid cancer.
Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino, D-District 12, sponsor of SB 238 emphasized the strict limitations of the bill, and reminded the committee of their past support. During the 2006 legislative session, the bill also unanimously passed the Senate Public Affairs Committee.
“New Mexicans have tried to pass a medical marijuana bill for quite some time now,” said Reena Szczepanski, director of the Drug Policy Alliance New Mexico. “We have to get this done so our most vulnerable citizens will have protections under state law.”
SB 238 now heads to the Senate Judiciary Committee. The hearing could be scheduled for as early as Monday, February 5. Please call Reena Szczepanski at 505-669-0798 or Tommy McDonald at 505-983-3277 for the latest information on committee hearings.