Advocates Unveil State-Wide Rockefeller Drug Law Television Ad Campaign

Press Release June 13, 1999
Media Contact

Tony Newman at 510-208-7711

ALBANY–On Tuesday June 8th, in Albany, advocates unveiled a statewide television ad campaign with the goal of educating New Yorkers about the economic and social costs of the Rockefeller Drug Laws. The ads, created and produced by The Lindesmith Center in conjunction with New Century Concepts, will serve as a powerful voice in a growing chorus calling for reform of the Rockefeller Drug Laws. The television ads are part of an ongoing $100,000 media campaign that has included statewide radio ads and print ads illustrating the need to change the 26-year-old laws. The ads will air for the next two weeks in New York City, Albany, Long Island, Syracuse, Buffalo and Rochester.

“This campaign demonstrates, in a compelling way, the devastating effects these laws have had on families and communities throughout New York,” said David Mickenberg, spokesperson for The Lindesmith Center.

A young woman holds a sign that says "End the Drug War."

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