Tuesday: Premier of “America’s Longest War” and Panel Highlights Disastrous 40 Year War on Drugs

Press Release September 18, 2013
Media Contact

<p>Contact: Tony Newman: 646-335-5384 or Anthony Papa: 646-420-7290</p>

Reason TV is hosting a special New York City reception, panel discussion and screening of America's Longest War on September 24, 2013. From murders on the Mexican border to death row in Mississippi, America’s Longest War, a new documentary from Reason.tv, shows how the drug war is destroying families and communities. The film tells the stories of those victimized by the war on drugs, including a marine who survived two tours in the Iraq war only to be shot and killed by police in a drug raid where nothing illegal was found. Director Paul Feine also introduces you to several others, including a daughter who grew up without her father because mandatory federal sentencing rules forced him to serve 20 years in prison for a non-violent drug crime. America’s Longest War shines a light on the very real human costs of the war on drugs and points to a viable alternative approach to drug policy.



Screening of America's Longest War
Watch the trailer now: http://americaslongestwar.com/


Tuesday, September 24, 2013 at 6:30 pm
Reception at 6:30 pm
Screening of America's Longest War at 7:00 pm
Panel Discussion at 8:15 pm


Florence Gould Hall Theater
French Institute Alliance Française
55 East 59th Street
New York, NY 10002
(212) 355-6100


Hundreds of thousands of Americans are serving prison sentences for non-violent drug offenses. The U.S. has spent more than $1 trillion fighting the war on drugs. By every measure the drug war has been a failure and it’s time to end it.


Please register to attend: https://americas-longest-war.eventbrite.com/

A young woman holds a sign that says "End the Drug War."

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