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U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down Strip Search of 13-Year-Old Girl over Ibuprofen

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Innocent Maryland Teens Treated Like Criminals: Strip-Searched By Cops during Humiliating High School Search

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Routine Traffic Stop Turns Into Nightmare 14-hour Anal Cavity Search for Drugs

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Statement on New Details Released in Killing of Andrew Brown Jr. by North Carolina Police While Serving a Search & Arrest Warrant for Drugs

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Germany Approves Prescribing Synthetic Heroin to Long-time Users Unable to Quit

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U.S. Supreme Court Agrees That Searching and Arresting Pregnant Women at Hospital Violates United States Constitution

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Over Two-Thirds of Public Comments Support Marijuana Decriminalization or Descheduling, According to Preliminary Analysis

68% of Americans who have weighed in on the Biden Administration’s proposed rule to reschedule marijuana support descheduling, or removing marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act entirely

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NYPD Poised to Stop Wasteful Low-Level Marijuana Possession Arrests; Individuals Would Instead be Ticketed and Ordered to Court

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First Quarter 2011 NYC Marijuana Arrest Numbers Released: Marijuana Possession Arrests Up 20 Percent from Same Period in 2010


End No-Knock Warrants and Militarized Quick-Knock Raids

To protect people in their homes and give meaning to the founders’ intent to protect against government overreach, Congress, states and local governments must enact comprehensive limits to how police execute search warrants.

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